
Monday, July 25

I am a little late for Mandela Day but this morning I did my time. We joined up with MES ( which is a non profit organisation that provides those in need with food, clothes, shelter and the necessary skills & education required to not go back into poverty.The challenge today was to fill a bag with toiletries for 2 people and give it to a man in a parking lot nearby. So we filled a bag with toilet paper, soap, body wash, razors, shampoo, roll on, deodorant and toothpaste. This wasn't a problem, to find the right person to give it to was another challenge. After a while of looking around, there were 2 men sitting under a tree eating some bread. It was very awkward to start a conversation as I had noo idea what to say. We simply just found out who they were and where they were from. This was really amazing as it opened my eyes to realise that each person has a story. I think we soo often see homeless people, those we pass in the street selling newspapers, the man who fills your car up with petrol, the lady who works at Checkers and the car guard across the road as face less people. We don't realise, like us, they also have a story, they have family and a dream. By spending just a few minutes asking about who they are and even just how they are doing they become acknowledged, they gain a face and an identity. It really cost me nothing to ask the lady at the bank how she is doing, the tea lady about her children or the petrol attendant about his dreams. We live in our little bubble and are soo blinded to the world out there and those we pass daily. It is not just about giving food or money but it is about giving your time and your attention and to acknowledge people as humans just like we are. This really challenged me.