It is October, the month dedicated to breast cancer. A dear friend of mine is a survivor of breast cancer, ever since then I have a soft spot for this cause and I love to be apart of fundraisers and aims directed at making women aware of the realness of this disease.
The rest of the world has also joined forces this year….
Marc Jacob has launched a limited edition of his Daisy perfume for Breast Cancer. A percentage of the funds go towards the Breast Cancer Foundation.
Blackberry has also launched a limited edition pink Curve for Breast Cancer.
Celebrities have had shades of pink extensions put into their hair to raise awareness for breast cancer.
What are you doing to show your support?? It doesn’t cost much. Wear a pink ribbon around your wrist, wear a pink t-shirt, join in on a cancer walk for charity, and paint your nails pink. Support to thousands of women, it can happen to anyone.