
Wednesday, September 28

It is October, the month dedicated to breast cancer. A dear friend of mine is a survivor of breast cancer, ever since then I have a soft spot for this cause and I love to be apart of fundraisers and aims directed at making women aware of the realness of this disease.

The rest of the world has also joined forces this year….

Marc Jacob has launched a limited edition of his Daisy perfume for Breast Cancer. A percentage of the funds go towards the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Blackberry has also launched a limited edition pink Curve for Breast Cancer.

Celebrities have had shades of pink extensions put into their hair to raise awareness for breast cancer.

What are you doing to show your support?? It doesn’t cost much. Wear a pink ribbon around your wrist, wear a pink t-shirt, join in on a cancer walk for charity, and paint your nails pink. Support to thousands of women, it can happen to anyone.

Tuesday, September 27

Number 1 fan

This summer my new accessory will be a hand fan in gorgeous colours to match a summer outfit. Not only is it a hot accessory but it also functional during those hot days. The fan has been spotted on the runway as well as Katie Perry with her bright red fan at Paris Fashion week. The best part of this accessory is that it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg; therefore you can have one to match with every colour outfit.

Miss Madonna

Madonna is never to old to grab the attention of camera men. She was spotted wearing a red butterfly embellished dress with awesome red glitter sun glasses by Miu Miu.

Tuesday, September 20

Interesting skirt...

I found this interesting no sew skirt on line... Maybe I will try it.

Monday, September 12

Citrus Block

I love this perfect combination of orange and blue. The Olsen twins know how to colour things up

Swimming Time

For the first time in my 21 years of existence I am ready for summer!!! Maybe not wardrobe or tan wise, but I am ready to hit the beach knowing that I have worked my ass off (literally) all winter to stay in shape and with Pilate's, I am toned and my stomach is finally becoming flatter. I am already searching for the perfect swimwear to o with my summer ready body. This year I am obsessed with vintage swimwear!!! The high wasted floral kind. Here is what I have my eye on....

Wednesday, September 7

Dear Diary

I have a small obsession with buying journals and note books. I have plenty of them in every colour and size and still I choose to buy more. Journalling has become something I love to do. To find that quiet place and just write down my thoughts, plans, prayers, ideas, quotes... I have an ordinary note book where I write random notes in, one that I write in daily, I have a travel journal, a dream journal, a notes journal, a fashion journal, a photo journal..... Yip! I have one for almost everything. If I don't have my note book handy I make notes on my Black Berry.The best kind of journals are the ones you make yourself. You can really customise it to your personality. I love to put photos, notes, magazine cuttings, pictures and souvenirs in mine.  I found awesome art journals that really inspired me....

I love to look back at old journals, I laugh at how silly I was and also see how far I have come from situations in my life. If you just want a simple note book, I like the home made kinds that you wrap with pretty fabric...

For plain lined journals that have a pretty cover, I love the ones at Exclusive Books and CNA. They are unique and arty and can be used for anything.

Beautiful Life

Monday, September 5

Set Free

I love vintage bird cages. I want these in my garden

FLOwer Explosion

Vintage floral statement pieces are on my summer to wear list...

Summer is in town...

I can't believe that summer is well on her way. I have so much excitement for the warm beach days, lazy pool parties, sunshine, water fights, holiday trips, picnics, warm nights, strawberries, ice cream, sun dresses, pretty swim wear, sunnies, sand castles and sun kissed skin. It is time to slowly pack away the knit wear and bring out soft cottons, hide away winter boots and replace them with gorgeous wedges and bright coloured toe nails. SUMMER IS COMING TO TOWN!!!!